"Young hounds, even young hounds from an established line of solid bear dogs, will all develop differently. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling snake oil. A line will have similarities and traits that 90% from that line may share, but there is no way to predict the set of experiences and circumstances that will shape how and when your hound will become a “truck-to-tree” bear dog."
The Author dives into what to really expect when raising a young bear hound.

Legendary Bear Hounds Pt. 46

Bear Pen Song Of The South

In part 46 of our Legendary Bear Dogs series, the Author tells the story of "Singer". A bear dog of bear dogs.
"I discovered black bear hunting years ago when I was invited to come to West Virginia. I went bear hunting with a friend who had hounds and ever since then it has been in my blood!"
The Author hunts the coastal NC region with hounds, and finds success with a giant.
Wisconsin bear hunter Joyce Kratz transfers their tag to 7 year old SJ for the opportunity to get his first bear with his hound.