Hound Dogs And Black Bears

Dedicated To The Memory Of Gary C. Colvin

Enjoy a throwback to the late 80's and get a peek at what hunting bears with hounds looked like back then.

Bear Of A Lifetime!

A 717LB North Carolina Giant

"Throughout our lives, I believe we all have sets of experiences that so greatly exceed our expectations that we find ourselves woefully short of enough time or diction to accurately describe them. Their impact is monumental to our lives in many ways. Such was the morning of December 10, 2022 for me."
Join the Author in his hunt in "the land of giants", North Carolina.

Common Sense, Common Courtesy, & A Common Cause

Common Sense, Common Courtesy, & A Common Cause

It's not cool to be the outlaw or to be the nomad. That old way of life that held allure for so many is a problem in the hunting world. We bear hunters must have common sense, common courtesy, & a common cause to secure our future.