Hound Hunting
By TL Jones
It's not cool to be the outlaw or to be the nomad. That old way of life that held allure for so many is a problem in the hunting world. We bear hunters must have common sense, common courtesy, & a common cause to secure our future.By Barry 'Bear' Siragusa
We houndsmen have an image problem that could take away the ability for our kids to continue enjoying the life we sometimes take for granted. This article has some considerations for reflection. Are you guarding the gate?By Steve Fielder
Join the Author in part 51 of our Legendary Bear Hounds series."This story is one about diversity and loyalty in unexpected places. It’s a revelation of the uses of resources for occupation and recreation. It’s also the story of the reversal of roles, of students becoming teachers and of learners leading the learned. At the heart of the story are hounds in pursuit of bears, bobcats, coyotes, and raccoons, and the recognition that perhaps breed, despite long standing loyalties, doesn’t matter as much as the outcome. This is the story of a Northwoods lad that took to hound hunting at a very young age and learned a lifelong trade that became his passion for 61 years. Michael Piontek, a career lumberjack and houndsman, was 10 years of age when he got started."
By Chelsea Hansler
"With nothing but a fixed blade strapped to my belt, I left my friend and our two boys in the Toyota as I darted across the overgrown logging cut towards the bellowing of the hounds. This bear had come up treed once before, only to make a run for it as the other group had arrived. Feeling foolish for leaving my rifle in the other truck, I headed toward the pack knowing that, at the very least, if things got western or the sun set before the shooter could arrive, I could call them off."Join the Author in her experience running hounds during their annual "houndsmen weekend".
By Barry 'Bear' Siragusa
"Hunters who make use of hounds in their pursuit of game will hunt their hounds in every conceivable terrain, weather, and climate. There are hound hunters in the deserts of Egypt, the rain forests of South America, and the vast snowy expanses of northern Alaska and Canada. We hunt on rock, sand, snow, grass, even water. All of these places and terrains offer their own challenges and hazards like frostbite, drowning, heat stroke, broken bones, and lacerations, not to mention injuries they receive from pursuing and clashing with some of the world's most dangerous game."Join the Author and learn some tips on hound first aid.