By Chelsea Hansler
Ever heard the term "walking bear"? Author Chelsea Hansler explains the meaning behind it and a story of a real life experience of it.
By Barry 'Bear' Siragusa
Ever felt like the hunting off season is mostly filled with waiting and expectation for hunting season to finally open, especially if you have a pack of hounds? Us too... But Barry 'Bear' Siragusa shares some important advice for making the most out of your off season, to prepare your pack for a killer hunting season.
By TL Jones
Join TL Jones in the epic story of houndsman "Wild Bill".
By Brigid O'Donoghue
Read along as the United Special Sportsman Alliance makes an outdoor dream become reality for young Lauren.
By Joshua Leonard
Appalachian bear hunt in the books for this first time bear hunter. Going with an experienced bear hunter/houndsman can make for a rewarding experience and may even make someone a lifelong bear hunter...