Presently, British Columbia’s bear population is estimated at between 120,000 and 150,000. Some estimates are as high as 160,000. Whatever the case B.C. is home to not only the largest bear population of any province but roughly one-quarter of all the bears in Canada. With exception of the higher alpine and low grassland regions, black bears are found throughout the forested areas of the province, which are extensive. This would include Vancouver Island and most coastal islands to the north and the Queen Charlottes. As a result of prime habitat conditions, it is difficult to find a poor place to hunt bears in this province.
Skull size is the basis by which all the record keeping organizations score bears. It is, in essence, like the “horns” of a whitetail or elk. The skull is a significant part of the trophy status of a bear, albeit, the most difficult to estimate. Bears are measured by the dried length and width of their skulls. Record keeping organizations choose to use the skull because it’s the one thing on a bear that can be measured consistently. Weight may seem the best bear-to-bear comparator, but it poses many variables, such as how to certify scales and whether to use dressed or undressed weights. What about animals that are capped and quartered during retrieval? Clearly, skull size is the best way to compare and track bears.
Boom…….. Ding! That’s the sound we all love to hear down range when prepping for a hunt or simply plate popping for fun. The 28 Nosler is a newer caliber, but it’s comparable to some of the well-established titans of the shooting world like the 7mm.
We're all about utilizing bears. Have you ever thought about getting jewelry or other keepsakes created out of your bear? Check out some of the things you can get done at places like Rocky Mountain Scrimshaw to create something personal that can last!
Bears spoil quicker than deer because of higher levels of resident bacteria on the animal, so you better get the hide and meat taken care of quickly. Don’t roll up the hide initially when putting it in the freezer, but rather stretch it out to cool evenly, and then roll it up. When in the backcountry with no freezers, considering salting the hide for preservation, but you’ll need to learn to turn the ears and split the lips. For a quick fix, consider purchasing a bottle of STOP-ROT to extend the out-of-the-freezer life of your bear hide. We hope these tips help you preserve your bear hide.
"Hunting and tenting go hand-in-hand. For me, the canvas tent removes the risk of damaging my shiny holiday trailer on trails that get us to hunting territory, and I can wear my boots in the tent. The tent gets me and my buddies closer to remote wilderness, and the wall tent has improved the quality of my wilderness camping and public land hunting. With the way the tent zippers work, the quad can even come into the heated tent for repairs, if required." -Tim Fowler-
Capable of carrying 25% of their bodyweight, these 300-400lb animals can handle packing out a quartered up black bear and hide with ease. They also provide some at-home comforts deep in the backcountry, which were greatly appreciated on this hunt after a May snowstorm dumped more than a foot of fresh, heavy snow on our mountain destination just days before our arrival.