“How do I get started bear calling?” I have been asked numerous times by people looking to get into calling. It is quite simple really, go online or to a store and purchase yourself a predator call (rabbit distress, fawn bleat, that type of thing). You must first decide, however, what type of call you want to use.

Nov 05 2020

Bringing Them Close | Calling Western Bears

Calling western bears isn’t easy, but it’s sweet when it comes together!

After blowing a predator call for nearly 15 minutes, I was beginning to question my sanity. Not that I have anything against predator calls, but producing some tunes from one of them usually means you’re looking for trouble. When I caught movement out of the corner of my eye a few minutes later, I knew I had found it; or better yet, it had found me, and in an instant I knew what it was! I strained my eyes to the side to confirm my suspicions—it was a bear. His coal-black hide glistened in the pool of September light, as he stood motionless trying to find the easy meal; I just hoped he wouldn’t mistake me for one.

Oct 29 2020

Going All Trad

The text message was short, simple and to the point “I’m going full traditional this hunting season”. This text went out to my closest friends (some trad guys and some compound), and I wasn’t sure what response I’d get back from them. The trad guys, of course, were supportive and encouraging, while the compound guys were…baffled I guess? They weren’t negative about the switch, but definitely curious why anyone would go from shooting a compound to a trad bow for no actual reason that made much sense. I could understand their point and figured I’d have said the same if the roles had been reversed.
"How will we ever stalk that far without being seen?", my friend Will Eason said as we watched a big Alaskan brown bear through binoculars. The bear was at least a mile away, on the other side of the bay, and as an added challenge the animal was eating grass in the middle of a large open area with no cover nearby.
One of the most enjoyable parts of hunting is sharing it with my kids, being able to take them out and show them things most kids don't get to see. Too often kids are raised by TVs and video games and have no clue about the adventure that lies beyond the tree line. As for my family, we’ve spent countless hours exploring, hunting together and getting away from the noise and distractions of the city.

If I don't get to take my kids along, they mob me as I walk in the door, waiting to hear about how the hunt went. They sit on the floor, eyes wide open, clinging to every word that rolls from my tongue as if they were there experiencing every moment with me. They are never discouraged with an unsuccessful hunt, but rather are filled with awe and wonder as I unravel the details of the adventure that was had. I live for those moments and often think I enjoy coming home and sharing stories with them more than the adventure itself.
“We’re too close to try to skirt him. He’s gonna see us one way or another. He’ll either charge us, or take off running.” As soon I quit speaking the bear spotted us. Reno and I stepped out into the open, stood side-by-side, waved our arms in the air, and started hollering.

The massive boar lumbered fearlessly toward us...
I wasn’t really sure what to expect on my first bear spot & stalk bear hunt in British Columbia a few years ago. The first action of the first day with the outfitter was a walk up a hill. Let’s just say we don’t have much for hills like this in the Midwest. My young, long-legged guide and I headed up a steep skidder trail for the better part of a mile to an area where we could look over some clear-cuts.
I’ve had some great Western hunting coaches that have tutored me in bear hunting. They’re locals, living in the areas that I’m traveling 1,500 miles to hunt. Their advice was to not get so far back into the wilderness and lock myself into one area...
Billy guided Sam Triplett to a beautiful, 9’8” brown bear. After waiting the legally required 4 years to return to hunt brown bear on the Alaska Peninsula, Sam is back for a spring hunt once again with his sights set on a 10-foot boar.
As we rounded the hairpin turn on the closed logging road, a patch of chocolate hide caught our attention. He was barely a 100 yards away, and after hiking countless unnamed roads the past few days, I had gotten pretty good at spotting flashes of dark hide mixed in with the emerald-green foliage. Although this particular bear was not the biggest we had encountered, the after-noon sun had his dark chocolate-colored hide perfectly lit, causing it to glow with a reddish hue. Needless to say, I didn’t need a green light from the outfitter on this one and quickly developed a plan of attack.