Outfitter List
Ontario - Black Bear Adventures
Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada
We will take you on an adventure of a lifetime!
R.R.#14, Box 30, Site 12
Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada P7B 5E5
Phone: 1-800-466-0918
Email: info@doglakeresort.com
Our Ontario bear hunting area is 1.7 million acres where we run over 90 bait stations, to ensure a quality personal second to no one opportunity at that Pope and Young or Boone and Crocket Record. Over the past 10 years, we have taken over 56 Pope and Young record book bears.
When you arrive at your site you will discover a 55-gallon barrel used for baiting. We take great pride in feeding our bears a quality diet of meat scrapes and donuts to ensure these animals stay close to the area and reach their full potential in size and weight. We believe in using a battery of scents to be certain these beasts will not miss our tasty treats. All our baits are at least five miles apart; this prevents the bruins from working numerous baits at the same time. This strategy results in trophy bears on each site. All our baits have anywhere from two to ten bears working them. We bait every day and begin three to four weeks before any of our hunter's arrivals.
We run an exclusive lake hunt guaranteed to be nothing like you have experienced before. This is not for the timid and is certain to keep you coming back for more year after year. We also run a percentage of our baits in areas accessible only by road as well. We provide all bait, transportation, accommodation, tracking, retrieving, skinning, cape care, butchering, and freezing.
At Black Bear Adventures, we strive to ensure your hunt is a positive experience. We achieve this goal by providing a comprehensive seminar on black bear habits, how to judge size and determine the sex of a black bear and most importantly, safety.
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