Guided Through Grief

Carrying Heavy Burdens Into The Wilderness

'“We loaded our horses with hopes of packing out heavier than when we headed in. Emotions on our sleeves, we grew closer to the adventure of a lifetime, but this hunt was about more than harvesting a spring Wyoming black bear; we carried a heavy burden up into the wilderness,” recalled Scott Knap. Just six months before this hunt, Scott, his wife, and daughter lost their 14-month-old son, Redding. That experience is a burning memory that will never ease its way from those who knew the Knaps and their precious Redding, and it was the true reason for this experience."
Join the Author in a story of a hunt involving much more than a bear.

Every Hunt Is A Predator Hunt

A Newfoundland Adventure

“I’ve shot a couple bears, so I don’t really need another one...” I’ve heard this phrase muttered many times from fellow hunters and I can’t wrap my head around it. Over the years, I have always taken advantage of adding a bear tag to my pocket whenever possible. So when Barb, my Newfoundland outfitter, asked if I wanted to buy one while I was hunting Woodland Caribou, I jumped at the opportunity!'
Join the Author in a multi-species hunt in the Newfoundland wild.

Baiting Bears

A Labor Of Love

Join our new western bear hunting columnist Jana Waller as she dives into some tips for bear baiting from her experience, and the experience of others in the bear baiting world.

Dark Timber

Baiting Bears DIY In The Unforgiving Mountains Of Idaho

"Baiting black bears in the alluring high country is a rewarding process and thrilling way to hunt. The exhilaration of an up-close and personal encounter with a deadly carnivore is something bear hunters crave and that must be experienced firsthand to fully appreciate."
The Author tells of his search for success DIY in the mountains of Idaho.

Where Did My Bears Go?

Five Things That Cause Bears To Disappear From Your Bait

"All across the U.S. and even parts of Canada, there is a phenomenon that takes place every year. Bear baiters are excited as the fall season approaches and the bears are hitting the baits in August—big bears, little bears, multiple bears. Then right about the first of September (the opening week of the seasons across much of North America), the activity at the bait sites plummets."
The Author dives into 5 things that cause your bait site to lose traction early season.
Join the Author on this hunt in his home state of Arkansas, as he waits for his target bear of 3 years and over 500lbs.
"Hunt big, hunt color” is the motto of Todd Wohlgemuth of Baldy Mountain Outfitters. His outfit backs up those words. His outfit takes big and color phased bears including multiple booners a year staying in line with the legacy of the prior outfitter over his territory, Tom Ainsworth."
The Author joins great hunter, and outfitter Tom Ainsworth in the Canadian wilds in search of a bruiser.
"My life path took me towards a career in the hunting industry and eventually in nonprofit work: taking veterans on outdoor adventures across the country. Randy piqued interest in teaming up for an event on his home turf in Northwest Wisconsin. For the last three years, we have been able to put a total of five Purple Heart Veterans on bear hunts." The Author tells a story of camaraderie, determination, and brotherhood in this article taking place in NW Wisconsin.

4 Hunts, 4 Color Phases, 1 Outfitter

Roger Driesenga got the color phase grand slam in a most unexpected way

Roger Driesenga is an unassuming man from the little village of Zeeland, Michigan. At 78, he’s one of the most active people you’ll ever meet. He has his own museum of nearly 400 animals, big and small, that he mounted himself. It includes mostly animals that have been taken on hunting trips across North America since his retirement. Roger got the idea that he needed color phase black bears for his museum, since most people in Michigan, he says, don’t even realize they come in colors other than black. A couple years later, he came across the Canadian Wilderness Outfitters’ literature again. Scott’s brochure had color phase bears on it, so Roger called him up and set in motion one of the most remarkable experiences any bear hunter could have.

Idaho DIY: The Best Tough Hunt Ever

Sometimes the tough ones are the most memorable

The closure of Canada to outsiders was disappointing to me on many levels. For several years I have done at least one spring bear hunt in Canada, and I travel to Ontario for fishing, camping, and generally spending time in the bush multiple times a year. In 2020, I exchanged my Canadian bear hunt for a Wyoming hunt, which was loads of fun and culminated with a nice chocolate bear. During the winter of 2021, it became clear that Canada wasn’t going to open the borders any time soon, so I began to scheme and plan about another spring bear hunting adventure—or two—in the US. I ended up settling on two hunts for May and June, one in Idaho and one in Maine. I’ll explain the unique spring Maine bear hunt in a later piece, but for now I want to relate the experiences I had in the mountains of Idaho, which would become a hunt fraught with difficulties and drama that you just can’t make up. -Bernie Barringer-